(From Lognet 94/1)

SAU LA TAKRULTUA (From the Talk-Rule-Worker = Grammarian)

A new version of LIP is now available for distribution. It is version 2.22 with Grammar 79. Copies are available to registered owners for the cost of media and shipping, or an older version may be returned for updating.

Grammar 79 has only a few minor changes, and some changes have been made to the program itself to deal with some anomalies in little-word compounds. The new grammar was created in Nov 93 to:

Later, support for lee, laa, and lau were added, and A+PA compounds in sheks and keks were supported.

In previous grammars, standalone guu was a termset; that is, if all sutori arguments were omitted, guu had all the privileges of a termset...including being linked to other termsets by A words. These uses were meaningless; so standalone guu's no longer have this capacity. (The previous situation led to unintended parses, as in Da preda lepo prede guu, e lepo predi guu where the intention was for the two linked lepo- clauses to be a termset of preda; but LIP made the predi clause part of an argument of prede.)

The set operator lau takes a wordlist or an argset. In the previous grammar, most wordlists accepted pause-comma between components, but others did not. All set members must now be separated by pause-commas.

It was noted that prenex quantifiers were not accepted in lepo-clauses, as in Mi kredi lepo raba goi, ba cluva la Espanias, anoi la Sol. Now they are.

It was mentioned in Sau La Keugru of the last issue that “comparative connectives can also be formed with sheks and keks” as in the example there given: Da fremi cenumou matma mi. This was a Grammar 79 capability that had not yet been released. Now anyone with a new LIP can do this.

The descriptors lee and laa were described in Sau La Keugru several issues ago, along with a letter/phoneme quoter lii, but these had inadvertently not been added to the dictionary or to LIP. This has now been done. Lee and laa are in the LE lexeme and lii is in the LIU one. —RAM