From Lognet, issue 98/1.

Sau La Sacdonsu

(From the Start-Giver = Founder)

This Issue

This issue of Lognet—the first you’ve seen since October 1997—is very very late. Later, in fact, than any issue has been since we started this publication in December 1989. There’s an explanation, of course. (There is always an explanation.) The big one is that putting out Lognets has been pretty much my job and I’m getting older. I don’t seem to have as much steam in my boiler as I used to have. I’m trying to compensate for that by getting other tiftua—other offering-workers, volunteers—to do many of the things I’m now doing. Things like editing and producing this magazine, for example. I’ll tell you more about these new arrangements later. But the second biggest explanation—more than just a cause (ckozu) but a veritable justification (raznu)—is that I’ve just finished a book. The actual writing of the book was done in lulls between Loglan duties over the past eight years. But it took me the better part of this one to write the notes and appendices for it; to get a “prepublication edition” out to its potential endorsors; to harvest those endorsements and get them on the backcover of a 2nd prepub edition; and to put that edition in the hands of publishers. And there it now is. In short, things are bubbling in Job Market country.

The Job Market Book

As many of you know—I’ve mentioned it in these columns more than once, I expect—the book I’ve just finished is about using computers to humanize employment, to “turn labor markets into job markets”, as I put it, and by using high-speed computation to create the jobs that people buy, to equilibrate the whole economy. Equilibration happens because, by eliminating (involuntary) unemployment and stabilizing prices—which are the two primary functions of Job Markets—they will at the same time control both the generation and the extinction of money. Equilibrating just these three processes—employment, prices, and money—I argue in the book, will stabilize any human economy on a permanent basis.

Yes indeed. A large thesis (only slightly smaller than the Loglan thesis, soi crano) and a major work. Obviously Job Markets (JMs) can change the world ...if they work. And the only way to find out whether they’ll work or not is to build and test one. That’s where the worldwide computing community comes in...a good many members of which are now reading these words.

So that’s why I feel I’ve been justified in stealing a bit of time—well, a whole lot of time—from Loglan this year. With luck, the JM book will be published sometime next year. Once published, you computer folk can get to work on testing its premises...while I go back to work on Loglan...and one or two other things (of which more later).

Geriatric Traveling

So much for JM country, where I spent most of 1998...which is the second of the two “becauses” of this very late LN. The third “because”—but another raznu, I trust—is that my wife Evy and I did a particularly doughty bit of traveling this year. From mid-August to mid-October, with the prepub edition of JM in the hands of its endorsors, we went around the world. Not a packaged cruise, but a combination of airplanes, ships, buses, hired cars, boats, submarines, and trains that we put together ourselves, and that happened to work wondrous well.

We went west-about of course. That’s evidently the way to keep the “longitude disease” at bay. That, and making our airplane hops as short as possible. (The effect of longitude changes on the human body when going east-about is about 4.5 times the size of its west-about effect. Did you know that? We didn’t either. But our medical travel-counselors told us all about that recent finding, and of course we followed their advice, and it worked!) So we went from San Diego to Hawaii, to Guam, to the Philippines (where I was born), to Thailand, to India (where we spent ten days)—and then on to Italy, Portugal (both “old home week” stops), Florida, and then really home.

A culture buff’s feast. Oh, it could have been a scrambled nightmare, I suppose...if the rate at which we tried to take in cultures had been too fast. But four new cultures and three old ones in fifty days were evidently about right. In any case, what we experienced was a feast. Next year, Mars.

The Sacdou Is Retiring

I know. I’ve said it before. But this time I really am retiring from Loglan. Well, from most of Loglan, anyway. Two roles—being a Trustee (nu duokri) and a member of the Keugru (kejgrudjo)—are ones I hope to occupy for the rest of my life. But all my other official roles in the Loglan community, like being the CEO of The Loglan Institute and the Chairman of its Board, which I’ve been these many years (principally because no one else wanted to be...and I did ask, soi crano), and even being a member of the Board, as well as being the Production Editor of Lognet, not to mention the Production Man for La Logli, the order-filler, bookkeeper, occasional accountant, and general dogsbody around the San Diego office...these are all roles that I really would like to turn over to other people, and think I’ve found a way of doing so.

Behind the scenes I’ve worked on this “divestiture program” of mine for quite some time now. Let me tell you what I’ve managed to arrange so far. It’s not all that needs to be done to actually retire me, but it’s a start.

Laurie Dowell, my step-daughter and a young computer-savvy person in her late thirties, has been coming in once a week on an hourly basis for the last year-and-a-quarter; and the extra few thousand she costs The Institute is being made up by Alex, Kirk, Wes, and me. In effect, L’s my new San Diego assistant. L has filled most of our orders, deposited all our checks, done all our bookkeeping, and kept all our mailing lists in order, as well as helped me produce and mail the one publication we’ve managed to put out during her watch. That was LN 97/2. In addition L worked nobly on LN 98/1, the issue you’re reading now, while L’s mother and I were traveling.

In short, Laurie’s being trained to replace me as Loglan’s businessperson and production chief. Production is a big part of my work on Lognet and La Logli; the rest is editorial. Alex Leith has been the Editor of La Logli since its launching in 1996; so that leaves only the Lognet Editor’s job to be farmed out. Laurie can’t fill that one comfortably because she’s not a logli...not yet, anyway. So I was obliged to look elsewhere for my replacement in that role.

A New Lognet Editor

Enter Terry Smithwick. As many of you have discovered on your visits to the Logli List, T is a very agile logli with scores of good ideas for Loglan and its future. When we met, T was a U.S. Navy sailor living in San Diego. Having come up in person one day to buy “Everything We Make”, we chatted, enjoyed our chat, and, as a consequence, T has been a frequent visitor for several years now to Evy’s and my—and Muffie’s—Peters Way establishment. (Muffie is our unbelievably bad-tempered but sweet-souled Yorkshire Terrier.)

Terry lives now in Hawaii, having just put in what promises to be his last sea-tour with the Navy. (T’s within a few years of retirement.) Being on shore again enables T to assume his duties as the new Editor of Lognet. These he agreed some time ago to take on as soon as his Navy posting permitted it. It now does. So T will.

Our plan is for Terry to do the copy-editing and composition from Hawaii. We want LN contributors to deal directly with him, not through me, but for me to send him letters and other copy as it still comes in to me, principally by e-mail. We expect him to inter-act with me and other djano logli by e-mail to enable him to deal with specific Lo Lerci questions...espe-cially at first, possibly not at all later as he gets the hang of dealing with such questions. We expect Terry to assemble each issue there in Hawaii on his own PageMaker 6.5 (the same version we use here in SD), and to send the composed issue—probably by mailed disk—to Laurie here for proofing, printing, labeling, and mailing.

That’s the plan. Seems reasonably fool-tolerant. Tio gudbi! There are a lot of us here to tolerate, soi clafo!

Four Undone Tasks

That’s a lot of my work already arranged to be done by others. But of course there’s more. This is what we’ve decided to do about the “more”.

Recently I got together with both the Keugru (the Academy) and the Disgru (the Board) to discuss the various undone tasks we have lying about. We found four of them:

(1) A number of business decisions had been made last year—or even earlier—but had still not been executed by our CEO...who is me, uu.

(2) Alex’s novel, Ne Neri Po Visgoi je La Loglandias A First Visit to Loglandia, was being written at a more rapid rate by Alex than it was being ftc-ed (“fine-tooth-combed”) by me, uu.

(3) The Resolver Project, which was re-launched at my request a couple of years ago and has been worked on intermittently by both me and Dr. McIvor ever since, had ground to a halt. Again, no ue, it’s neglect lay pretty squarely on my shoulders.

Finally, there was an undone piece of work of the causes of whose undoing I am, for a change, largely innocent:

(4) The publication of the 3rd Volume of Steve Rice’s Loglan 3: Understanding Loglan—preparations for which were going along very well indeed—was suddenly stalled last Spring by the Keugru’s growing uncertainty about how to render, and then logically to interpret, certain utterances that have “negative arguments”. For example, consider the several claims tied up in Mi no matma raba no tu. = I am not the mother of anyone not by you. I know. It’s a lovely problem. And the Keugru went back and forth on it for months. We call it the “neg args problem”; and the largest chunk of work that I’ve personally done on Loglan this past year has been done on that problem!

But now we think we’ve got it solved. I’ll save our solution for the Sau La Keugru that we hope to publish, icanoi lo natra ga letci (if nature permits), in the next Lognet, LN 98/1. In the meantime, cook up your own interpretaion of Mi no matma raba no tu. and see how it compares with the one we’ll publish.

The point of all this is that our being slow to understand the inner logic of Mi no matma raba no tu. held up our publication of Steve’s 3rd volume of L3, which deals in part with negatives and has been high on our publishing priorities for more than a year. So to Steve, and to those who are eagerly relearning Loglan from his new primer, our apologies for being a bit thick-witted about this.

Doing Them

What did we decide to do about these four undone tasks? I said that the combined Disgru ze Keugru have discussed them, but I’ve not told you what we decided to do. This is what:

Re (1), the unexecuted business decisions. We decided that I, with the help of Bob McIvor, Wes Parsons, and James Jennings, am to execute them just as soon as this issue of Lognet is on the streets. In fact, we’ve gotten a bit further than that already. One of them, getting credit-card acceptance privileges, is already executed. Yes, we’re now able to accept the two major credit cards, Visa and MasterCard, from abroad or anywhere else. I’ll have more about this important news later.

Executing the other two decisions—making appropriate contracts with Amazon and Kagi, who are the chief book- and shareware-agents on the Web—is well underway. I’ll tell you more about these two new business arrangements later. (This is going to be a long SLS! Bound to be. There’s a long silence to fill in.)

Re (2), the slowness of my ftc-ing Alex’s A First Visit to Loglandias. This work is known on the Logli List, where it’s been serially published, as “FVL”. We decided that I should tackle FVL again—I’ve already ftc-ed a good bit of it—just as soon as the 3rd volume of L3 is on the streets. Getting out the latter, we felt, had much higher priority. A himself feels that A has learned so much from previous ftc-ing sessions that the stuff A’s writing now may not even need it! If so, I can really retire!

Re (3), the stalled Resolver Project. We decided that this project, while tremendously important in the long-term, should be tackled by me my “Last Hurrah”, as it were. It is true that once completed, the Resolver algorithms will provide us with not only an “expert understander” and transcriber of reasonably well-spoken Loglan, but it will also function as a speaker of audible Loglan that will be able to do so in any of a number of “authorized dialects”. Why more than one? It turns out that the resolution algorithm will have to deal with more than one dialect in some degree in order to understand any of the departures from an ideal standard that occur so frequently in human speech.

Ui. I look forward to going back to work on this fascinating project, teamed up once again with our Chief Programmer, Dr. Robert McIvor. The Resolver is likely to be the last major project we undertake together, Bab ze mi, for Loglan. We’ve done a few.

Re (4), the stalled 3rd volume of L3. This was the next most urgent task, we decided, second only to getting this issue of LN out to you. While at first I was assigned the task of correcting Steve’s lessons in the light of our new understanding of neg args—or simply took it on, I don’t know which—Alex Leith quite properly snatched it back from me as he saw that I was getting involved with businessy things again, as well as with potential publishers of my JM book, and probably wasn’t capable anyway, soi crano, of following the “simple approach” to teaching negatives that A favored and that I had in principle agreed to. So, with my happy connivance, it is A who is finishing up the editing of L3/3. Knowing A, I expect this last volume of S’s fine work to be on the street very soon.

What’s In This Issue?

As you’ve no doubt seen on its cover, this issue has only four principal contents: this very long SLS, an even longer Lo Lerci, a paper by Emerson Mitchell & James Jennings on A Proposal for An Alternative Subjunctive, and a revival of a once-regular column proclaiming So Nu Cnida Po Helba (Six Needed Acts of Helping).

The Keugru didn’t have time to prepare a Sau La Keugru for this issue. We’re sorry about that, for several very interesting new usages have in fact been adopted. But our solution of the neg args problem was just too fresh. We like to sleep on such things before climbing out on a limb with them. And while Wes Parsons, our President and Profile columnist (as well as our General Counsel, ue), has a profile planned—I’ve heard it’s going to be on Terry Smithwick—it hadn’t been written when Laurie and I started putting this issue together.

Never mind. All these things will probably come together in Lognet 99/1. And anyway, this issue is getting to be long enough. With its massive Lo Lerci, its SLS rambling over a zillion topics, and its possibly epoch-making paper by Mssrs. Jennings & Mitchell.

Dealing With The LN Shortfall

This year we put out only one Lognet. Last year we put out only two. So you’ve missed a whole year of Lognets at the promised rate of three 32-page issues a year. Which was supposed to be the equivalent, remember, of four 24-page issues. Which we’d been trying—and failing—to put out when we were still a quarterly. Three 32-page issues have 90 “inside” pages, 2 pages in each issue being covers. This is only slightly over the number of inside pages in four 24-page issues, which is 88. Or so ran the reckoning. But now that we’re a (nominal) thirdly, missing 3 issues in the last two years means that we owe all our paid-up members an extra year of dues.

That means that if you are one of those paid-up members (and many, uu, are not), the date when your dues become due again—the number <mm-yy> in the upper righthand corner of your mailing label—will be advanced by one year from what you see today. In short, the next time you see this label the <yy> figure will have been augmented by 1. Look for it on your LN 99/1 label.

Talking About Dues ...

Talking about dues reminds me that many of you have fallen behind in yours. In some cases, several years behind. (Please look now to see if you’re one of that “many”.) This is probably because I stopped sending out reminder postcards about three years ago. That was a task I’d always detested, and would be sad to saddle Laurie with, should we decide to start doing it again. So I would like to find a way of letting those who want to to pay your dues do so without benefit of reminders. Here’s one that has tempting possibilities:

I’ll assume you’ve just looked at the mailing label that caused this issue of Lognet to find its way to you. It may have an all-caps message for you, such as ‘DUES NOW DUE’ or ‘DUES PAST DUE’, or it may not. In any case, the main thing to look for is that <mm-yy> date in the upper righthand corner. If that date is still ahead of today’s date, or within a year of it (a bonus you’ve already earned by missing three LNs; see above), you’re alright. You’re a paid-up member. If <mm-yy> is not ahead or within a year of today, then your dues have lapsed, and you may discover that we’ve been carrying you for years.

If you are overdue, please decide what you want to do about it. If you want us to carry you as long as we will carry you in this condition, that’s fine. Do nothing, and we probably will. (Whether we do or not depends a lot on what you’ve done for us in the past; and many of you have done a lot.) But if you’d like to help us keep this tiny ship of ours afloat financially, and your not paying dues has been until now mainly a matter of forgetting to do so, then please consider one or the other of these three memory-independent ways of paying them in future.

(1) Direct your bank to send us a check every month, quarter, or year, whatever suits you.

(2) Set up a direct transfer order for your bank to wire funds to our bank...again, every month, quarter, or year, whatever suits. To do this, you need our bank’s routing number, which is 122-234-822, and The Institute’s account number, which is 322-361-201. And you need to make sure that the wired funds will identify you as well as your bank.

(3) The truly “final solution” would be to make a large deposit with us by check or credit-card now, instructing us to subtract your dues from it on some regular basis until it’s gone. You can count on us to tell you when it’s gone if you choose this most benevolent method of supporting us. For the unspent portion of whatever you send us will amount to an interest-free loan.

I hope one of these ideas tickles your fancy. And remember, we do accept credit cards now. So if, instead of sending us a check to pay those back dues, to make a deposit or pay your current dues, you’d rather get your credit card out and call us, or get off an e-mail to us, please do. We’ll need your card number and its expiry date, your name as it appears on the card, and the amount you wish to pay. Both Visa and MasterCard are accepted.

Our Four Dues Levels

To remind you, here are the four levels of membership we’re suggesting these days, the dues for the last two levels having been slightly increased since you last saw them:

Patron, at $250+/2-yrs, or $125+ annually.

Sustainer, at $100/2-yrs, or $50 annually.

Member, at $50/2-yrs, or $25 annually.

Reduced dues (students or retired persons who need them), at $25/2-yrs, or $12.50 annually.

We code these levels with ‘P’, ‘S’, ‘M’, and ‘R’ on your mailing label and put your code just to the left of your “dues due” (<mm-yy>) date. After your first, biennial dues payment, you may pay your dues annually or biennially as you choose.

The New Commercial Face of Loglan

I promised above to tell you a little more about the new face we’re trying to put on Loglan-as-a-product. Most of the decisions that the Board have recently made in this connection have, of course, been precipitated by the rapid growth of the World Wide Web. The Web is evidently now a place where small organizations like ours can do business with relatively small capital costs. Possibly we’ll even expand our business beyond any level we might previously have enjoyed. Or suffered from, uu.

Perhaps the most important of these face-lifting moves was to qualify ourselves to accept payment by credit card. Amazingly, this took only our bank’s permission, and was much cheaper than I thought it would be. It took $100 to get us started, but the rate we’ll pay thereafter will be only 3.25% to 3.5% of our credit-card billings. Many were the times, over the last half dozen years, when foreign customers especially wanted me to ship their books to them immediately, offering to pay by credit card. I’ve had to decline those offers and wait for their often inconveniently purchased check or money order in U.S. dollars to arrive. I have the distinct impression that a good many such potential customers simply faded away when they learned we couldn’t accept their credit cards.

Now we can. That should not only simplify things for foreign customers, but facilitate dues-paying and deposit-making for all of us.

Another thing we plan to do, but haven’t finished doing, is sign up with, the electronic bookstore. Amazon already sells our books—has done quite frequently over the last year—but only by ordering them from us first. They then have to wait to receive them from us by U.S. bookmail, and then re-ship them (probably by UPS) to their customers. What “signing up” with Amazon will mean is that we’ll give them a whopping great discount and they, in turn, will shelve copies of our books in their warehouse. They’ll then be able to fill orders for our books immediately. Also, as “warehouse publishers”, we’ll get to file brief descriptions of our books in their electronic catalog. All in all, working with Amazon should expand our membership, as well as sell quite a few more books.

Another aspect of our current face-lift is to make all our software available as “shareware” on the Web. As I understand it, this means making the masters down-loadable from various shareware lists that we select, and then arranging with Kagi, a collection company, to collect the shareware payments for us and register our customers. (Apparently Kagi have a very secure way of accepting and registering credit-card payments that is attractive to customers and vendors alike.)

Linking up with Kagi should also expand our membership. Some users of our shareware will certainly want to know more about Loglan—when they discover that it’s a computer-readable language they’ve downloaded—and when they contact us to find out about it, we’ll have a lot to tell them. The best thing about all this is that, by distributing our programs in this bold new way, we may reach an entirely new kind of computer user that we’ve never reached before.

If you have any suggestions about where to put our shareware on the Web, ways of engaging this new community most effectively, please contact Dr. Robert McIvor at:

Finally, we are seriously considering making both L1 and L3 available online for downloading and free single-copy printing. And, if we knew how—and our own computer gurus are now studying how—we would also put LOD and LIP online in such a way that Web-browsers could actually use them. Any guru-to-guru hints about how and where to do this would again be welcome. Again, contact Dr. McIvor with any ideas you may have.

A Handy New Dictionary for Word-Makers

John Benjamins of Amsterdam/Philadelphia have just put out a marvellous new dictionary, called The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations, by M. Benson, E. Benson & R. Ilson, 2nd Edition, 1997. What it gives you is the English phrases in which given key words are ever used. For example, given the key-word known, it lists 1) widely ~; 2) ~ as; 3) ~ for; 4)~ to/by (as inThat’s ~ to/by everyone); 5) ~ to + inf. (as in She is ~ to frequent that bar); 6) ~ that + clause (as in It’s ~ that he has a criminal record); 7) better/otherwise ~ as (as in Samuel Clemens, better ~ as Mark Twain).

I think you’ll see how very useful such a catalogue can be...especially to a word-maker trying to cover all the semantic bases. Thus, if m is trying to make sure that all uses of English known are translated in LOD by a suitable L word or expression, and if, on checking, m discovers that not all are, then identifying the missing meanings in the BBI Dictionary will make it possible for m to make new L-words, or coin new expressions, for all the missing usages. In this way BBI can be an invaluable jog to one’s memory of how English works.

Most of us have only partial memories of such linguistic details. How many of the 7 usages for known listed by BBI would you have thought of? So if you like making subtle distinctions, or expanding the already considerable coverage of English usage that is present in LOD, I suggest you keep this book by your side. (It’s paperback and relatively cheap.)

Ne Po Morcea

Professor Carol M. Eastman died after a short illness at her home in Hawaii in October 1997. C was one of our earliest academic supporters. Twenty years earlier, in 1977, C was our co-host, along with the late John Atkins—both professors in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Washington—at a meeting of a group of Seattle logli held in C’s home. C was also one of the critical readers of the 4th Edition of Loglan 1 while it was still in manuscript form, and C made many valuable suggestions that became part of the 1989 language. C’s friendship, support, and occasional technical collaboration will be sorely missed.

Carol was an anthropological linguist and the author of several books on the relations among language, society, and culture, among them C’s Aspects of Language and Culture, published by Chandler & Sharp in 1975. At the close of C’s distinguished career as an anthropologist and language scholar, C was Senior Vice President and Executuve Vice Chancellor of the University of Hawaii.

Lo Lalgea (Old-Instances)

Backcopies of LN and TL—and now LL—still exist. Buy ‘em. They’re cluttering up my garage. Old instances of both LN and TL cost only $1/ea, so you can get quite a stack of them for a $10-bill. To be sure, the in-print set of TLs has now been reduced to 8, from the original 21; but the in-print set of LNs is still 22 out of the 25 issues we’ve published. Old LLs, which are both rarer and younger, are worth $2/ea, or $2.50 to members if they contain L3; to a non-member, these L3-bearing LLs are $5/ea. If you’ve missed any of these issues—or are just feeling archival—now’s the time to order them.

Professor Seaman on Steve Rice’s L3

Here’s a letter that came to me from Dave Seaman, another anthropological linguist who’s been one of Loglan’s long-time academic supporters. D was also a critical reader of the 4th Edition while it was still in manuscript, and D now has some very nice things to say about Steve Rice’s L3: Understanding Loglan. I suppose D’s letter should have gone in Lo Lerci, but I liked it so much that I kept it out for use in this column:

Dear Jim:

... My positive reaction [to] Steve Rice’s work was that I wished I were thirty years younger (note the “subjunctive of unreal condition”). It would have been interesting to tackle something like this, especially now that it is so well presented even for us knuckleheads. I have had a good career dividing my time between [the] languages/cultures of Greece and Native Americans, mainly, but I sure would have enjoyed having had the benefit of Rice’s [Loglan 3] and our modern-day computers to have shared my research/service interests on behalf of Loglan. Ah well, one does what one can. But please congratulate and thank Steve Rice for me. I appreciate what he has done for you and for Loglan. ...

(Hue) Dave.

La Loglan Ji Fa La Djim

Among the other things I’m doing for “Loglan-After-Jim” is clearing up my own work-commitments to Loglan before withdrawing into my next—and probably my last—big project of any sort: the IPI book. For a little about that project, which may crop up from time to time, see the next item in this column.

Besides ftc-ing FVL for Alex and finishing up the Resolver project with Bob, the main thing I have left to do for Loglan is clear my quarterdeck of the business decisions we’ve made but not executed during my watch. So the next CEO can have clear decks to to-and-fro on.

Yes, I have been talking with someone about taking on this role. But we haven’t consensed on everything, so I won’t mention his/her name. However, I do hope to have all these organizational commitments made by the time The Loglan Trustees, La Fe Nu Duokri (the Five Trusted Ones), have their Annual Meeting, which always takes place in late December. La Fe Nu Duokri are the hirers and firers of all of us here...though so far, at least, they’ve done none of the latter. (Thank goodness!)

So the identity of our new captain should be available to Terry to be announced by T in T’s first Lognet, which may be out as early as February.

The IPI Book

“IPI” stands for “InterPersonal Inventory”, an instrument I invented in 1951 while at the University of Indiana and still a practicing social psychologist. It’s a paper-and-pencil screening inventory used for measuring the nature and accuracy of people’s “interpersonal perceptions”, that is, how—and how accurately— they see each other and believe they’re being seen.

I used this instrument most effectively at the University of Florida in the years 1957-60—right up to time the Loglan Project was funded—where I studied various kinds of love and friendship. By 1960 I had conducted a number of studies of the effects of various species of perceptual accuracy and inaccuracy on these kinds of human relationships, and they had produced some very interesting results...some, indeed, were amazing. While the results have long been analyzed statistically, and are, from that point of view, as good as gold, very few have been published.

Moreover, these late ’50s results have, to the best of my knowledge (and I have tried to keep up with this field though I am no longer active in it), not been refound by other investigators in the intervening decades. The reason there were “intervening decades” while these results lay unreported is that, as often happens to investigators who spread their research efforts over too many projects—a familiar defect of mine—the IPI program was quietly swept under the rug by the funding of the Loglan Project in 1961. Because its results have still not been found by others, however, I feel obliged to publish them before I die. That’s the IPI book. Finding time to write it is only one of the several reasons why I’ve decided to retire from Loglan. But it is probably the most important me.

All my life I seem to have lived like that “old woman who lived in a shoe, / Who had so many children she didn’t know what to do”. Loglan has certainly been the greediest of my intellectual progeny ...and perhaps the most rewarding. But there are other urchins in that shoe who also deserve their dollop of maternal care.

—Hue Djim Braon