(A page from the Loglan web site.)

(From Lognet 90/1. Used with the permission of The Loglan Institute, Inc.)

Complex-Making in Loglan

by Robert A. McIvor

From time to time, Loglanists question the choice of primitives used in the righthand positions of metaphors, especially when that final term is being used to transform a nominal or adjectival meaning into a verbal one. For example, why is -mao used in the right-hand spot in mormao? A killer is not really a maker of dead things...at least not in the same sense that a baormao is a maker of boxes. Although the word chosen as the "modificand" (the word being modified)in these types of metaphors may not always give the resulting complex its own place structure, these final terms have nevertheless been chosen in a consistent fashion.

Since the rationale governing these choices had not been clear to me prior to my recent Gainesville visit, I think it is worthwhile to offer this explanation of the use of the most common modificands, as I now understand it from discussions with the Founder.

Another rule which we found useful in complex-making is to use no nu fu etc. as a separate word in front of the complex we were building when the operator was to apply to the complex as a whole, i.e., in long scope situations. But when the scope of the operation is short, we use nor nur fur etc. and make it part of the word we are building. Thus a CVr form is to be used only when the operation signified is to apply to just the term immediately following it in the metaphor. It is intended, in the final phase of the dictionary work which is now in progress, to rectify all the entries which do not follow these principles.

Copyright 1990 by The Loglan Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

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